Well, yes, they can be. but that doesn’t mean its good for them !

Tuna is a very popular ingredient among cat food. Although, it is recommended to feed no more than twice a week tuna to your cat !

First of all, only give cat food tuna to your cat. Not canned tuna you can but for yourself. Most canned tuna contain added salt and oil which is pretty bad for your cat.

Then, it is advisable to feed not more than twice a week tuna to your cat. Most “big” fish contain mercury and other metals that are toxic for cats. This phenomenon appears because bigger fish eat the smaller ones so in a way, the bigger the fish, the more metal it contains.

I myself used to feed my cats mostly tuna as they seemed to prefer the taste compared to beef or chicken. As soon as I’d be informed about that I changed their food habits and they now have once in a while or maximum twice per week a tuna meal,

By the way, that tip can also apply to humans! For the exact same reasons, we shouldn’t eat too much fish either !

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